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24 August 2024

What a wonderful invention the sale: garage, yard, estate, moving, stoop, lot, family, basement, town wide, highway, jumble, rummage, church. There are many possible locations for the sale of all the stuff you don’t want and it’s open to the public. Buyer can try to bring the price down or pay sticker price, it’s up to you. Rich or poor can sell and rich or poor have a chance to buy. No license required but in some cases permission. You might organize it on your own or with a friend or as a town. It’s usually on Friday and Saturday for about five hours and hopefully it won’t rain. And on occasion the buyer might find a treasure although that’s gotten harder with web search and auctions sites. It can certainly beat an auction where you have to wait for hours for the one item you want in a box with stuff you don’t want and in the end you don’t bid high enough anyway.